
Support OUR Cause

We are volunteer beekeepers and therefore we rescue as many honey bees as we can and we do it all for free. This is because the bees are very valuable to us and the community. To support our cause and your local beekeepers it is very vital to but local honey from beekeepers that have passion. This is all natural and raw honey which means that it hasn’t been altered or pasteurized. It comes straight from the honey bees packaged honeycombs and through a strainer (the strainer retains any bee wax and honeycomb) straight into a bottle. We do it this way to make sure the honey is as natural and healthy as possible so that it would retain its amazing attributes and taste. Raw and unfiltered honey is relatively low in moisture content (14% to 18%) and has a high antioxidant level. It is great as a sweeter or against local allergies. There are many uses for honey, thus it is best for the honey to be natural in order for it to have its amazing apiary properties.

Head to the Beekeeper tab to get information about buying some honey to support us.

Buy Local. Buy from beekeepers. Save the bees!

Idaho Honey Bee Rescue will soon do live-streaming and donations. In the meantime the best way to support us is to buy our local honey and to call us when you see a swarm.