
It all started in 1989…

Idaho Honey Bee Rescue is made up of many beekeepers working together.

One of the core honey beekeepers started way back in 1989 in Europe and has been beekeeping in the USA since 2005. Many of the other beekeepers started out small but now support many hives. They are very prideful in their work since we all together have been able to re-home hundreds of bee colonies over the years. As well as make lot of people happy with our service and our delicious raw honey.

Our Beekeepers are made up of local beekeepers in the Treasure Valley. Commercial apiaries don’t spend time on swarms because they have lots of bee colonies (10,000 and more) and therefore it is the small time beekeepers that stand up to help rescue swarms. Many of our beekeepers are part of the Treasure Valley Bee Club (Idabees.org) and have lots of experience. We try to send a beekeeper that is the closest to you.
